"There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit;
there are different forms of service but the same Lord;
there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone."
1 Corinthians 12:4-6
Working in ministry at the Cathedral of St. Joseph offers many different opportunities for returning your gifts of time and talent to God. Your God-given skills and abilities in volunteering in a ministry provide a way to thank God, share your faith with others, and enhance our faith community.
We could use your help in the choirs, as lectors, usher or as Eucharistic Ministers. Everyone who works in those ministries now originally came with an apprehension about what to do, as you may have. You will be guided and taught on what we do and no one will be put into a position to fail. Please reach out to the contact below or call the parish office at (802) 658-4333.
All ministries will require candidate review and some will require complete background checks.
Religious Education | Msgr. Peter Routhier | 658-4333 |
Youth Confirmation | Msgr. Peter Routhier | 658-4333 |
R.C.I.A. | Dorothy Barewicz | 658-4333 |
Social Outreach - Joseph's House | Deacon Dennis Moore | 951-4290 |
Manager/Director of Cemeteries | Peter Beauregard Peter Walsh |
802-862-1530 |
Church Maintenance | Vacant | |
Bereavement Coordinator | Parish Office | 658-4333 |
Music Director | Celia Asbell | 238-2821 |
Vietnamese Choir | Loc Nguyen | 878-4401 |
Lectors (Scheduling) | Dorothy Barewicz | 658-4333 |
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (Scheduling) | Dorothy Barewicz Parish Office |
658-4333 |
Ushers | Gloria Yandow Parish Office |
863-3320 658-4333 |
Parish Council Chairperson | Vacant | |
Finance Council Chairperson | Msgr. Peter Routhier | 658-4333 |
Altar Servers | Msgr. Peter Routhier | 658-4333 |